منتدى عالم الصبايا
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

كـلمات أغنيه Avril Lavigne >> What The Hell

اذهب الى الأسفل

كـلمات أغنيه Avril Lavigne >> What The Hell  Empty كـلمات أغنيه Avril Lavigne >> What The Hell

مُساهمة من طرف اليزابيلا الخميس 23 يونيو 2011, 10:00

You say that I’m messing with your head
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
All cause I was making out with your friend
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Love hurts whether it’s right or wrong
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I can’t stop cause I’m having too much much
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)

You’re on your knees
Begging please
stay with me
But honestly
I just need to be
A little crazy

All my life I’ve been good but now
I’m thinking “What the hell?”
All I want is to mess around
And I don’t really care about
If you’re loving me
If you’re hating me
You can’t save me baby, baby
All my life I’ve been good but now
Woah, What the hell
What? What? What? what the hell?

So what if I go out on a million dates
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
You never call or listen to me anyway
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I’d rather rage, than sit around and wait all day
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Don’t get me wrong, I just need some time to play-ayay

You’re on your knees
Begging please
Stay with me (no fun)
But honestly
I just need to be
A little crazy (crazy)

All my life I’ve been good but now
I’m thinking “What the hell?”
All I want is to mess around
And I don’t really care about
If you’re loving me
If you’re hating me
You can’t save me baby, baby
All my life I’ve been good but now
Woah, What the hell

La la la lala la la la
Woah, woahhh
La la la lala la la la
Woah, woahhh

You say that I’m messing with your head
Boy, I like messing in your bed
Yeah, I am messing with your head
When, I’m messing with you in bed

All my life I’ve been good but now
I’m thinking “What the hell?” (what the hell)
All I want is to mess around
And I don’t really care about (I don’t care about)
All my life I’ve been good but now
I’m thinking “What the hell?”
All I want is to mess around
And I don’t really care about (if you love me)
If you’re loving me (if you love)
If you’re hating me (if you love)
You can’t save me baby, baby (if you love me)
All my life I’ve been good but now
Woah, What the hell

La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la

مشرفة قسم الصحة وطب ومنتدى الفانين الاجانب ومنتدى عالموظة ومنتدى برنامج ستار اكاديمي
مشرفة قسم الصحة وطب ومنتدى الفانين الاجانب ومنتدى عالموظة ومنتدى برنامج ستار اكاديمي

نوع المتصفح : كـلمات أغنيه Avril Lavigne >> What The Hell  Intern13
الابراج : السمك
الأبراج الصينية : الثور
عدد المساهمات : 619
نقاط : 1205
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/05/2011
العمر : 27
الموقع : http://christine-saade.yoo7.com/
MMS كـلمات أغنيه Avril Lavigne >> What The Hell  Dana_110


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